Yooz AP Automation Blog

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Good or Bad?

Written by Yooz | Oct 15, 2024 7:20:16 PM

The narrative around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace is often dominated by negative news and public concern. Stories of job displacement, business fraud, and other potential risks quickly spread, overshadowing the enthusiasm for AI’s transformative potential. While caution is understandable, these fears may slow progress.
Morgan Shepard, Director of Demand Generation at Slashdot Media, recently discussed the findings of the 2024 Yooz Survey: AI in the Workplace with Laurent Charpentier, CEO of Yooz.

Q: The Yooz survey found that fear far outweighs excitement for AI among US workers. How does Yooz address these concerns when implementing AI-powered solutions for its clients?
Laurent: AI streamlines the purchase-to-payment process by automating tasks, allowing accounting teams to focus on higher-value work. For example, Yooz clients Peterson Auto Group reported a 95% time savings, cutting invoice entry from 5 minutes to 15 seconds. WKI Kenworth emphasized improved data accuracy and full visibility into invoices, while Unity highlighted real-time data for better budgeting and smoother audits. Yooz also enhances fraud prevention with features like audit trails, anomaly detection, and forgery identification to ensure security and traceability.


Q: The study also revealed that negative news coverage significantly influences people’s perceptions of AI. How does Yooz highlight the positive impacts of AI in finance and operations? How does it enhance financial accuracy?
Laurent: Yooz counters negative perceptions of AI by showcasing its positive impacts in finance through various channels, emphasizing case studies and client experiences to illustrate enhanced organizational efficiency and financial accuracy. Our clients are really the champions when it comes to discussing their experiences. Furthermore, we leverage diverse platforms to discuss AI's role in digital transformation, cash flow management, and fraud prevention, highlighting its importance to users.


Q: Construction was identified as a leader in AI resistance. What are some of the strategies that Yooz is employing to introduce AI-powered solutions in traditionally tech-resistant sectors?
Laurent: Yooz employs several strategies to introduce AI-powered solutions in traditionally tech-resistant sectors. We focus on education, building trust, and demonstrating how technology can address industry-specific pain points. Furthermore, Yooz emphasizes the cost and efficiency improvements gained by solving these issues and uses actual client examples to build credibility. We also pay close attention to customer feedback.


Q: How does Yooz balance AI automation with human oversight in its purchase-to-pay solutions, addressing concerns about AI replacing human judgement in financial decision-making?
Laurent: Yooz balances AI automation and human oversight by automating repetitive tasks like data entry and PO matching, while also providing fraud detection. Clients can choose between "no-touch" workflows for routine tasks or set up custom review steps, giving them full control over how much oversight they want in the process. This flexibility ensures efficiency without sacrificing human judgment.


Q: What are some specific examples of how Yooz AI-powered solutions have benefited its clients?
Laurent: Yooz's AI-powered solutions have significantly benefited clients by streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. For example, referencing the same clients as before, Peterson Auto Group cut their invoice processing time by 95%, improving cash flow and productivity. WKI Kenworth transformed its Accounts Payable (AP) process into a fully paperless system, giving managers real-time financial visibility and control. Meanwhile, Unity, a nonprofit, gained transparency and easy access to all invoices, allowing them to efficiently manage their organizational development and ensure accountability. These examples highlight Yooz's ability to save time, improve data accuracy, and support proactive decision-making.


Q: The survey highlighted concerns about new forms of business fraud enabled by AI. How does Yooz incorporate fraud prevention and detection features in its AI-powered AP automation tools?
Laurent: Yooz incorporates fraud prevention by maintaining a detailed audit trail for every document, tracking all actions and changes in real time. AI is then applied to detect anomalies, such as discrepancies in invoice amounts or changes in banking information and identify potential forgery on electronic documents before processing. This proactive approach helps prevent fraud and ensures a smooth audit process.


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