Lulu Guinness
United Kingdom
Industry Sector:
Clothing and Accessories
25 employees
All invoices captured for a complete audit trail
The AP activity now only takes 10 to 15% of the time of the finance department
The export is made directly into Netsuite
Lulu Guinness is a UK fashion retailer mostly known for handbags but also for clothing and footwear. The business comprises of about 20 to 25 people with a finance team of 2 people. They reach 10 million pounds of sales per annum with only one store in London as well as by selling online all over the world with a growing focus on Asia. They do not have a head office so everyone works remotely. This means all tools the teams are using must be accessible from anywhere. Lucky for them, we have the perfect AP automation tool for that!
In the transformation of its financial department Lulu Guinness changed its ERP, picking NetSuite. The company did not have an AP solution at that time and their manual system was laborious. When an invoice came in, the AP manager had to forward it to the relevant head of department by email and would then key manually into Netsuite. The department head would then approve it by email and the AP manager would switch it from pending to approved. This manual system led to many errors and was time consuming at every step of the way:
Lulu Guinness decided it was time to opt for an automated solution. With 150 invoices per month, the department did not have a full time AP manager. Simon Rose, Finance Consultant, started looking for a solution, he consulted a few companies and finally got convinced by Yooz after attending a demo. Mr Rose quotes the highly performant search engine and document scanning function.
“What I liked was just the simplicity. It does what it needs to do and it’s user friendly”
Simon Rose
Finance Consultant
Yooz was the only solution that could be looped into Netsuite which was a major criteria for Lulu Guinness. The setup was very quick and easy to process: “I think it was a one-hour job for me to follow the instructions and get Yooz set-up and intertwined to Netsuite. That was priceless!” added M. Rose. Yooz is the only easy-to-use and efficient solution that connects to Netsuite. The fact that one could tailor each user’s access according to their level of capability and financial understanding made everyone responsive to the solution. People were taken to it very quickly.
Thanks to Yooz, Lulu Guiness averts now many errors by having a well-defined and accurate process.
“It really enabled the business to strip back the AP function. Yooz is game changing.”
Simon Rose
Finance Consultant
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