About the eBook
How does your AP process measure up to the pulse of the mid-market in 2022?
• Average cost to manually process an invoice is $12.40
• Average time to manually process an invoice remains at 12.9 days
• Roughly ¼ of mid-market enterprises have absolutely no payment strategy in place
Ardent Partners has conducted more Accounts Payable (AP) market research studies over the last decade than any other firm or consultancy in the industry allowing them to benchmark thousands of distinct MMEs.
“AP Pulse on the Mid-Market in 2022” eBook draws on data from the marketplace, curated by Ardent Partners’ market-leading research team, and is a compilation of knowledge and benchmarks needed by mid-market enterprises (MME) to gain key insights into accounts payable operation including the top priorities and challenges facing AP today.
Download your free copy of our ebook “AP Pulse on the Mid-Market in 2022” to see where your organization measures up and where AP is heading in the coming years.
About Ardent Partners
Ardent Partners is a research and advisory firm focused on defining and advancing the procurement and financial operations strategies, processes, and technologies that drive Best-in-Class performance and accelerate organizational transformation.
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