
Live Webinar in Collaboration with Sage and Acuity Solutions

What is the most Innovative Tech out there for your Accounting Processes?  With Tech Pioneers Sage, Acuity and Yooz

About the webinar

The digital transformation and automation of accounting processes is a necessity for all growing businesses who need tech solutions to adapt easily and seamlessly to their expansion journeys but it also applies to every company faced with a challenging context.

Applying advanced technologies such as AI and Machine Learning to automate your accounts payable will unlock unmatched levels of productivity and insight for financial leaders.

With Sage, Acuity Solutions and Yooz,  discover the most innovative tech and benefit from experts' advice on how to implement them easily and seamlessly.


What will you learn from this webinar?

  • You'll be made aware of the latest technologies available for your accounts payable
  • You'll gain expert insight on best practises when considering digital transformation for your accounting processes
  • Address all of your questions to global Tech pioneers Sage, Acuity and Yooz 


Yooz x SAGE


  • Unlocking Accounts Payable Challenges with Yooz
  • Considerations and Best practises for a successful Digital Transformation with Acuity
  • Live Demo Yooz x Sage X3 / Sage Intacct
  • Q&As
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