AP Automation for QuickBooks

Unlock the complete power of Accounts Payable (AP) and Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) automation with the Yooz and Intuit QuickBooks partnership. Bid farewell to multiple systems while saving time, cutting costs, and supercharging your business productivity.


  • •   Cloud-based, seamless integration,  
  • •   Real-time, 2-way information flow,
  • •   3-way matching for unbeatable accuracy,
  •  •  Integrated customer dashboards,
  •  •  And much more!

Say Goodbye to Wasted Time and Money with a Single, Streamlined AP Workflow!







Experience a groundbreaking transformation in your Accounts Payable (AP) process through the dynamic partnership between QuickBooks accounting and Yooz AP automation software. Leave behind the challenges of navigating various systems and embrace the seamless integration that brings together efficiency and cutting-edge innovation. Now, more than ever, it’s the perfect time to unlock the true potential of your AP operations and experience enhanced productivity and control.

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How Does The Yooz Process Work?



The partnership between QuickBooks, known for its comprehensive capabilities in accounting, bookkeeping, and financial reporting, and Yooz, the award-winning Accounts Payable (AP) automation solution committed to streamlining end-to-end inovice processing, establishes a new standard in financial and accounting management. This seamless integration empowers businesses, taking efficiency to a whole new level. Let's explore some of the advantages of this powerful  Yooz - QuickBooks AP automation partnership! 
  • Efficient Invoice Processing: Revolutionize your invoice management process by leveraging Yooz automation to seamlessly capture, extract, and facilitate approval workflows. Once approved, the data effortlessly syncs with QuickBooks, dramatically reducing any manual data entry and minimizing the risk of errors.
  • Reduced Manual Work: Through the integration of these touchless solutions, manual data entry and invoice handling are significantly reduced. This frees your finance team to redirect their focus towards more value-driven tasks instead of routine administrative responsibilities.
  • Accuracy and Compliance: By minimizing the potential for human errors associated with manual data entry, Yooz automation significantly enhances the accuracy of financial records. In addition, the automated workflow enforces compliance standards, ensuring consistent adherence to approval processes and company policies.
  • Faster Approval Cycles: Yooz's automation capabilities expedite approval cycles by electronically routing invoices to designated stakeholders for review and approval 24/7, speeding up overall processing times.
  • Real-time Insights: The QuickBooks/Yooz integration offers real-time visibility into your invoice process. Track invoice status, identify workflow bottlenecks, and gain insights into your cash flow dynamics.
  • Increased Scalability: As your business grows, manual invoice processing becomes exponentially more complex. Our integration empowers you to seamlessly expand your AP operations without straining administrative resources.
  • Improved Audit Trail: Both QuickBooks and Yooz can maintain comprehensive audit trails of invoice processing activities. This is valuable for internal and external audits, as well as tracking any financial record changes.
  • Cost Savings: Realize significant cost savings by streamlining operations, minimizing manual labor, reducing errors, and improving overall operational efficiency.
If you are looking to help your business thrive, reach out today to transform your invoice processing with Yooz AP automation - the perfect partner for swift, efficienct, and streamlined invoice management!

Learn More About Each Integration

Discover more about Quickbooks Desktop & Yooz
Discover more about Quickbooks Online & Yooz

Don't wait to boost your efficiency!

Schedule a demo today!

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