Yooz Rising is your ground-breaking new user experience! This Yoozers’ dedicated page unveils what is new for you, and how to transition seamlessly to Yooz Rising.
Our Ambition
With Yooz Rising, we deliver the highest ROI in the most powerful P2P automation solution on the market:
The Most Intuitive and Modern User Experience on the Market
Unique Technological Improvements Driving the Best Real-Time Automation
Most Powerful New AP and P2P-Specific Features
Option #1: Beta-Program
We have designed a structured and robust beta-program. Opting-in this program is one the options we provide you with to ramp-up to Yooz Rising
This program is open to a limited number of selected customers during a limited period of time
Thanks to a beta-test, you get a headstart for your organization to facilitate the transition to Yooz Rising
You can count on a dedicated ‘always-on’ expert support during the beta-test period
Beta-tests run on sandbox environment, meaning there’s no impact on your actual production
You will designate a dedicated point of contact in your organization to provide us with formal feedbacks
You will secure a moment of your time to test real life use-cases to process 50% of your volume or a minimal threshold of 100 documents
Once we agreed your beta-test is successful, we can plan final upgrade to production
If you do not qualify in for an upgrade before 12/31/20, you need to download OnlyYooz - our in-app web browser - before 12/31/20, to secure your access to your actual Yooz application after 01/01/21.
Option #2: General Availability
This is the mainstream option for the vast majority of Yoozers
A beta tested Yooz application
Your upgrade is to be planned with full respect of your schedule
It is supported by a robust onboarding process run by our Customer Success Managers Team
If you do not qualify in for an upgrade before 12/31/20, you need to download OnlyYooz - our in-app web browser - before 12/31/20, to secure your access to your actual Yooz application after 01/01/21.
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